Sapper update to 2.0.

As you can see Sapper 2.0 is ready. Now with full statistics that allow you to feel liko pro Minesweeper player! Just download and enjoy!

Sapper 2.0 allows you to locate hidden mines on a grid by making guesses about where they are located. Win the game by flagging all the mines!

Three levels of difficulty, full statistics and records table, all moves from original supported. It's free, easy to download and install. Runs on every machine.

Uprising is ready!

              I don't remember when this war begins. Even the Oldests Council don't remember that. The enemy hides everywhere even I can be one of these monsters. Nobody trust no one. Welcome to my world. World where death is a final freedom. The world called Earth...

This is how the story begins. If you wan't to know more, you are more than welcome! Just download a game and enjoy. Please write a comment if you like it!

Sapper gameplay :).

Sapper gameplay. I must train harder :D. This update will be available for download tomorrow.

Uprising gameplay video

First gameplay of Uprising. Game is still in development so there can be only better :).

Sapper free download!

Sapper is a Mine Sweeper clone game made in one hour. I was waiting for email ;). Game is waiting for you in download section. Enjoy!

Uprising final version!

We have five playable levels for this moment. Uprising will be downloadable soon.

New game - Uprising.

We are proud to indroduce our new game - Uprising.

Uprising will be free vertical shooting game for all who have quick fingers :). Game is still under production, but don't bother, it will be done as soon as possible. Still miss arcade machines? ;)

Air Aces: Pacific 1.01 patch gallery.

All raported bugs are fixed and as you can see graphics quality is improved too.

Download section with free full games!

We have just opened download section, where you can download our free full games!
Two titles are now available: Beneath the Surface and Vipanoid!

You're more than welcome!

Air Aces: Pacific released!

We are pleased to inform you of the release of the long awaited Air Aces: Pacific!

Air Aces: Pacific, the aerial combat simulator with a new approach to the arcade genre, brings over 20 missions in single player career mode. Never before had the player the possibility to fight with such masses of enemies. A hundred of planes and tens of ships, together with land based anti aircraft defense fire, covers the sky with thousands of bullets. Completing goals and acquiring achievements allows the player to upgrade and unlock new, faster and more advanced planes.

Take off and dive into aerial battles over the Pacific. Enjoy innovative graphics  and one of a kind set of dynamic sceneries. Fly during  pretty days in paradise and fight during murky nights full of heavy rain and lightning. Shoot and win, bomb and destroy! Gain praise and glory and become one of the best Pacific War pilots!

Air Aces Pacific trailer.


Grass and trees.

Air Aces Pacific

A little presentation of the game in medium details. Recorded on GF 7900 GT.

Air Aces: Pacific - new set of ingame shots.

Air Aces: Pacific preorder at Gamers Gate.

Air Aces: Pacific, the  aerial combat simulator with a new approach to the arcade genre.

Take off and dive into aerial battles over the Pacific. Enjoy innovative graphics  and one of a kind set of dynamic sceneries. Fly during  pretty days in paradise and fight during murky nights full of heavy rain and lightning. Shoot and win, bomb and destroy! Gain praise and glory and become one of the best Pacific War pilots!
Air Aces: Pacific comes with a new approach to the arcade PC dogfighting games. The game is focused on providing as many impressions and sensations as possible from the very beginning. In Air Aces: Pacific the player has he possibility to take part in air battles with hundred of planes and tenths of warships at the same time.
Mathematics is taken very seriously in Air Aces: Pacific. There is no unreal perspective or boosting of planes when they are far away from the player. Everything is realistic.
To have the graphics look unlike any game before, Air Aces: Pacific harness an OBE Game Engine by D6Team supported by openGL basics with some adjustments. If you take a closer look on the graphic during pretty days in paradise and murky nights full of heavy rain and lighting you will almost see a brush moving and painting everything you can see on the screen.

Air Aces: Pacific main features:
+ Realistic aerial battles
+ Dynamic sceneries
+ Tens of simultaneously active planes
+ Variable reality settings
+ Several available planes
+ Career mode

Air Aces: Pacific - Open Beta Took Off

Lucky pilots may start to apply for access to exclusive single player missions!
To apply go to

Orange and Teal.

Screen inspired by Wojciech Toman's article. :)

Air Aces: Pacific beta reminder.

Be ready to apply for access at starting from April 14th. Remember that only the first 500 lucky pilots will receive the code to unlock the beta!

Air Aces Pacific - video from beta!


Vipanoid is our vision of Arkanoid style game. It was created for testing some effects in OpenGl. After tests the game is now released for you to play.
Go to download page, download full game and enjoy!

Open beta for Air Aces: Pacific

Wastelands Interactive and Vipagames are planning to test Air Aces: Pacific under the heaviest conditions. We have decided to prepare exclusive single player missions that will let you try most of the features that we have prepared for you.

Be ready to apply for access at starting from April 14th. Remember that only the first 500 lucky pilots will receive the code to unlock the beta.

Air Aces Pacific – od słodkości do miodności.

Porównanie dwóch różnych aspektów gry Air Aces Pacific.  Jeden to słodka idylla, w której możemy wznieść się ponad chmury dla uspokojenia nerwów (oraz oczywiście spokojnego odblokowania niektórych ukrytych w grze bonusów ;) ) oraz drugi, w którym każda kolejna sekunda lotu to regularna wojna.

Jak widać na obrazkach klimat gry, podczas określonego zachowania, zmienia się diametralnie.

Air Aces – Pacific

We współpracy z Wastelands-Interactive rozwój gry nabrał niesamowitego tempa. Z resztą możecie to ocenić sami po zdjęciach powyżej. Gra która powstaje mało związana jest ze stereotypem strzelanki osadzonej w czasach II wojny światowej, jako gry dość lekkiej w odbiorze.
Mamy nadzieję, że się podoba.

World War II Heroes – postepy

Nocne niebo w grze World War II Heroes.

Maksymalna ilość detali w grze.

Maksymalna ilość detali w grze World War II Heroes. Drzewa w końcu nie wyglądają jak zlepek pikseli tylko tak jak powinny. Jeszcze tylko brakuje im cieni, ale te już w trakcie dopasowywania.
Do takiego wyglądu powinno wystarczyć 9400GT. Z testowanych kart, ta jako najniższa dała radę grze.
Ale nie ma się co załamywać. Do najniższych detali śmiało wystarczy seria 7XXX.

Niszczenie celów naziemnych.

Naziemne fortyfikacje są juz dodane do gry. Na screenie nasz samolot niszczący przepompownię.

Chmury i woda od nowa.

Z racji tego, że szybkość działania gry zaczęła być już zadowalająca, dodałem trochę do grafiki. Oczywiście spowolniło to cały program ale w opcjach będzie dostępna możliwość ustalenia ilości szczegółów.